Our Mission Statement

“Redeeming the arts for the Glory of God.”

About Us

In 2003, Christ Church created the ministry known as Christ Church School of Fine Arts. In addition to offering music and art lessons, we want to teach students how to glorify God through the arts. We also offer an annual summer Music Camp. The 3-day camp helps kids learn about art, music, and worship. Students participating in music camp, also help us raise scholarship money to help provide music lessons for students in East Lake.

Where to Start

If you are interested in signing up for private one-on-one music lessons or group art, you can simply register through our website, christchurch finearts.com / register/ or you can email Emily Hollingsworth, School of Fine Arts Administrator, ehollingsworth@christchurchbham.com. Emily can direct you through the steps of getting registered and setting up a schedule with an instructor.

Tuition and Fee Policies

At the beginning of every school year we charge a “once a school year” registration fee of $25/per student. This fee is non-refundable and will only be charged once during one school calendar year. The school calendar year is August through May; however, this registration fee also includes the summer semester, so your registration fee is good through July. All tuition and registration fees are due at the time of registration. We are more than happy to set up a two-payment plan, but the first payment must be for half of the tuition plus the
registration fee. Fall (August – December) and spring (January – May) semesters are both 16 weeks long and summer (June – July) typically runs about 8 weeks. Tuition for fall and spring is $416/per semester and summer tuition is $208. All pricing and scheduling is based on an assumed 30- minute lesson time, unless otherwise stated. These prices for tuition do not include your annual registration fee of $25/per student. We offer 30, 45, and 60-minute lessons. Desired lesson length MUST be specified at or before registration, so the billing is correct and so instructors know as well.


Christ Church SFA hosts two recitals a year, both on the Christ Church campus. The fall recital is typically the first Saturday in December and the spring recital is typically the first Saturday in May. Recitals are included in the tuition, but participation is not mandatory. All recital information is communicated through the instructor.


Our administrator will contact an instructor and schedule classes after receipt of the registration fee and full or half-semester payment.

Attendance/Make-up Lessons

We expect all instructors and students to value their scheduled lessons times. As a courtesy to the instructor, we ask that students communicate with their instructor at least 24 hours in advance if unable to attend a scheduled lesson. We also ask our instructors to communicate with their students at least 24 hours in advance if unable to fulfill the lesson time. We understand emergencies may arise (children sick, etc.) but in any event we ask students to give instructors as much notice as possible. If for any reason a lesson needs to be made up, it is the responsibility of the instructor, student, and parent/guardian to reschedule. If a student is 10 or more minutes late and does not communicate this to the instructor, the lesson will be considered missed. The lesson may be rescheduled at the discretion of the instructor. Students must communicate with the instructor even if you are only going to be a few minutes late. If a student is unable to reach the instructor by voicemail, text and email, the SFA Administrator may be contacted for assistance with scheduling.

Holidays, School/Church Closings, and Inclement Weather

– No lessons are scheduled during the weeks of Thanksgiving and Spring Break, so students can be with their families. Make up lessons may be scheduled during those weeks if approved by the SFA Administrator.

– Lessons may be cancelled due to inclement weather for the safety of our instructors, students and
families of students. Christ Church SFA follows the Shelby County School System school calendar and we find that it is most efficient to continue the same pattern for school closings due to inclement weather or other serious matters. If you are unsure of the latest closing information, please contact either your instructor or the SFA Administrator (205-991-5065). Should inclement weather develop later in the day/during lessons, Christ Church SFA reserves the right to cancel any and all lessons for the day. We also reserve the right to continue with scheduled lessons if there is no development in predicted inclement weather (regardless of whether schools have closed). In the event Christ Church SFA chooses to cancel lessons due to inclement weather or for any other reason, the lesson will be made up.

– Christ Church SFA reserves the right to cancel, shorten or move lessons to another room or part of the church should lessons interfere with other ministries of Christ Church United Methodist. Instructors are responsible for communicating with students and parents/guardians of students about changes in
the schedule or room reservations.


Keeping our students and instructors safe is a high priority. The following rules MUST be followed. These rules are keeping with the Christ Church Safe Sanctuary Policy, with which all programs at the Christ Church campus must comply.

– Siblings and/or friends of students must always be supervised by a parent or guardian on the Christ Church campus and must not wander around the campus unsupervised. If you need an appropriate waiting area, please ask the instructor or the SFA Administrator. Repairs of any damages to Christ Church property caused by an unsupervised child are the responsibility of the parent or guardian.

– All students, instructors, and parents/guardians should enter through the main church doors; these are known as the “Sanctuary” doors (the all glass doors in front of the main office).

– Students and parents/guardians are encouraged to come in and wait quietly outside of their lesson room or other designated waiting areas (i.e. the Sanctuary lobby, which is right inside the glass doors) a few minutes before their scheduled lesson time. You may choose to stay in the room for the lesson, sit quietly outside of the lesson room, or stay in the designated waiting area (Sanctuary lobby). If your student is 15 years old or younger you MUST stay on campus during your student’s lesson.

– All lessons, except for drum lessons taught by Mike McGuire, are to be taught on the main level of the campus, which is the same floor as the traditional Sanctuary. All drum lessons are taught in the downstairs area under the Sanctuary. Students should enter this area through the Sanctuary and walk down the stairs under the cross in the front of the Sanctuary.


There is to be absolutely NO PARKING ON THE GRASS anywhere on the Christ Church campus, including the hill headed toward Caldwell Mill Road. There is also absolutely NO PARKING UNDER THE PORTICO; this area is for those that are unable to walk long distances and for drop off. We also ask that there be NO PARKING IN HANDICAP PARKING unless you have proper documentation. ALL PARKING should be in the general parking areas in any of our lots. There are often multiple activities on the campus at the same time, so these guidelines must be strictly followed.

Contact Us

We are located on the campus of Christ Church United Methodist, 5091 Caldwell Mill Road, Birmingham, AL, 35242, which is where all lessons are held. You can easily reach us by phone at 205-991-5065 and ask for the School of Fine Arts Department or by email christchurchfinearts@gmail.com. If you have any questions or concerns, always feel free to reach out.

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